quinta-feira, maio 25, 2006

Falha aqui.

Putz, eu sei... ...sou o mestre em intercalar posts em uma ordem nada a ver.
O problema é que eu levo dois meses chegando, minha estapafúrdia vida está mais estapafúrdida ainda e eu mal consegui pôr a casa em ordem devida à grande falta de iniciativa e da grande quantidade (aliás, paquidérmicas) de cerveja ingerida nos últimos dias - porra, todo quanto é lugar que eu apareço esse povo me dá comida e cerveja como se minha vida fosse acabar amañhã (vai que estão certos).
Comprei um Corsinha (o herói da resistência) cuja dona nunca levou sequer para ver um mecânico - branquinho, quatro portas e tem até umas frescurinhas como vidros e travas elétricas mas... ...puta carrinho feio. Me leva de A a B, não desmonta na lombada e gasta bem pouquinho então Deus salve ele em toda sua branquidão.
Odeio carro branco. Apelidei de táxi.
Amigos, vi os mais próximos de mim, os de fora não deu ainda por pura falta de tempo e coisas para fazer (não viajo sem ter mais de um motivo para estar em São Paulo) então fico aqui em Ibicityo curtindo um clima pré-romaria e festa de São Sebas me endividando com cavalo, ferradura, churrasco e me ferrando a ajudar na organização do evento.
Tenho um casamento logo e preciso perder 7kgs - ou é isso ou comprar mais um terno que vai ficar encostado no armário que nem um cadáver. Não é só pão-durice não, o que eu tenho é da Brooksfield, deve valer uns 500 paus hoje no mínimo, além de economizar essa baba, vou ficar magrinho. Mais economia com comida, dá até para comprar uns sapatos novos. Tenho que ir, mais tarde eu termino a saga.

quinta-feira, maio 11, 2006

Tahiti !!!

I know I postponed this entry by pure lack of... ...disposition ? Imagination ? Time ??? I just couldn't be f*cked to write right now.
Well, left Auckland under a gray and wet sky, the same way I got there first place and nearly exactly the day I came three years before : all by myself and without goodbye kisses at the airport, ironically for me, my life seems to go on full circles all the time. Let's move to good stuff anyway...
The flight was calm and I got a seat all for myself (no fat people or kids around - nothing personal but during flights I prefer not to be squashed or kicked on the back of my seat) so I can say that the first step was quite successful; we landed on a very dark spot with lights following alongside the bay and everything seemed to be faraway from the rest of the world somehow. Great, I left New Zealand to find a more deserted spot as if that was possible.
Outside the plane, everything seemed a mix of modern and ancient, totems and wooden sculptures and my heavy clothing from NZ started to overheat under the 30 degrees outside (it felt like a hair dryer directed over your face) and my heavy three-year-luggage didn't help at all on my way to customs... At customs, of course my magnetic bad luck attracted the officers who asked me to open every suitcase and bag possible (my knifes and uniform caused some disturbance) but after some half an hour I was released to find my transportation, outside the gates were people giving us flower collars which confirmed my suspicions : "must be expensive".
I wasn't dissappointed.
The driver was waiting outside with a sign and as usual, my name was spelled wrongly (how hard is to spell SILVEIRA ??) but he was friendly and charged a honest price for the ride which I could say based on my latest trips as nearly miraculous - something must be very wrong, my life is just not that perfect.
Inside the van, I met Erin (New Yorker coming from OZ) and Daniel from New Zealand, felt pleased to have already mates at the Lodge to talk, at least after we passed the unconfortable first introductory moments which I never know exactly how to act (I have a tendency to over-talk to cause a good first impression,of course, usually doesn't work) but we're looking forward to see the Taaroa Lodge, our destination for those next following days - after ending at some nore than freaky hostels in New Zealand I started to keep my expectations low, some of the places nearly had an corpse-shaped drawings in the middle of the rooms, very arty but distasteful if you intent to spend some nights around. Mice are not necessarily a bad sign for me after all...
The Lodge's site was immersed in the dark but we could clearly see the surrounding garden, the main dorm is a giant-shaped bungalow that seemed very new and clean for our silent relief; I was still tense about my lack of money and trying to figure out what would I do in a place that charges nearly US$ 4,00 for a Coca-Cola can, specially because I really apreciate a good beer at any time of the day while on holidays, then I saw the girls, hawaiian girls more precisely, three of them at the open kitchen drinkin' profusely - Shannon is a Barbie-looks lifeguard (every man's dream since Baywatch came out), Deb's a red-headed and freckled beautiful surfer and Kisha, the brunette with her glowing smile and sort of latin beauty; all now half-drunk, they were at that very moment, the dream team of every man alive : gourgeous, Surfers and drunk.
Ralph Sanford welcomed us with a brief explanation about the place, he is a world-class longboarder and a legend - he runs and owns the place for the last ten years at least and surfers all over the world rather stay there than any five-star hotel in the island because of him. It took me a bit of time to win his confidence but after you make friends with him, you simply love the guy no matter what he jokes about... well, everything about you, basically.
Threw my bags around the place and was immediately carried to the town, with the girls, Daniel and Robert (which actually drove us there) which reminded me very much of Jackie-Chan, for some beers and some clubbing. Erin preferred to stay in.
Quick stop to pick one of the most beautiful tahitian girl I've seen and off we went.
To be continued...
Zilek : Immobilier Vervins